Luz DARRIBA, multidisciplinary artist was born in Uruguay, was formed in Argentina, has lived and worked in Spain since 1990. She has made more than 250 group exhibitions, 40 singles and received numerous international awards. Creating macro projects as Cumulum (wall of books, 600,000 books around the Roman Wall Lugo), Puerta de Alcalá "A Gateway to the Culture" (“involvement with 40,000 books from the Puerta de Alcala, Madrid 2001) and" Free with the books, "Maison de UNESCO, Paris, Patchwork," carpets for non-violence against women, "Sgo. De Compostela 2004; 2005, Glove black, white glove, two Faces of abuse of gender, Lugo, 2005, Signs, traffic lights with the intervention of female icons, Lugo 2006, Library of Babel, Words +, crossword two thousand square meters bodily made in Santiago de Compostela per thousand students in Secondary Schools. Follas Novas, plant trees in the Plaza Mayor with poems by women, Kursaal, San Sebastian, Arakne network for equality, Labyrinth of sensations, World Day of Disability.